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Title: Analysis and Comparison of Sequence Analysis Tools
Authors: Aggarwal, Rinkle
Supervisor: Kaur, Navjot
Keywords: sequence analysis tool;Data Mining;Biomolecular Sequence Alingment;Clusterw
Issue Date: 19-Apr-2007
Abstract: Necessity is the Mother of Invention. Every day the world creates large amount of data of data but only part of this whole percentage is used for any purpose. Data in biology are very diverse and abundant. With the significant growth of the amount of biomolecular data, it becomes increasingly important to develop new techniques for extracting knowledge from the data. Data mining is a fundamental operation in such a domain. As Coal-mines are mined to find the diamond in the similar way data mining is applied to raw data to get the valuable information. The gene sequences of related species of plants, animals and microorganisms show complex patterns of similarity to one another and many molecular biologists are convinced that an understanding of sequence evolution is the first step towards understanding the evolution of life itself. There is variety of different tools available to perform sequence analysis. Various software packages of automated tools have been developed that had improved the efficiency of much biological research.I studied a few tools of sequence analysis and in the end selected the BLAST, FASTA, BLAT and CLUSTERW for comparison; All known tools have some advantages over the other. All have different functions, different areas of applications. I am analyzing these tools based on two underlined criteria. One is based on algorithm and the second one is parameter based. All four tools have some underlined algorithm. So the algorithms are compared to know that which algorithm is more efficient than the other. What steps of the particular algorithm are different and what are same. Different tools work according to the different parameters. These parameters add to the performance of the algorithm. Various parameters are compared to know that which parameter is used in which tool and what is its function. What same parameters are used in the different algorithms and what is the particular use of that parameter in that particular tool.
Appears in Collections:Masters Theses@CSED

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