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Title: Extending the Concept of Stereotype Threat to Place of Living: The Performance of Students Living in Village on an English Test
Authors: Nandrajog, Gokul Molia
Supervisor: Kaur, Surinder
Keywords: Stereotype Threat;No threat condition;Village students;City Students
Issue Date: 8-Jun-2018
Abstract: Every living human being has one or more than one stereotype attached to the group or community to which they belong. Some stereotypes are an asset for groups because they make them more confident about themselves and some are liability because they make the individuals to lose confidence in themselves. The present investigation was conducted to examine the effect of stereotype threat. “Students belonging or living in the villages are perceived to be poor in English language. It was hypothesized that stereotype threat will have the significant effect on the performance of village students as compared to the city. In order to verify the above hypothesis a sample of 120 students, 60 students belonging to a village and the other 60 students belonging to the city were studied. To measure the effect of stereotype Two Way ANOVA was calculated. According to the results Stereotype Threat impaired the performance of Students belong to the village as compared to students in no threat condition.
Appears in Collections:Masters Theses@SHSS

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