Doctoral Theses@SOM : [111] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 111
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
31-Jan-2025Identifying the consequences of obesity on chronic diseases through modeling, analysis, and simulationRoy, Parimita; Jain, Ani
28-Jan-2025Effect of Internal and External Dynamics on Galaxy Properties and Their EvolutionGulati, Mamta; Meenu
14-Jan-2025Approximation by Certain Linear Convergence TechniquesRani, Meenu; Kaur, Jaspreet
10-Jan-2025Modeling and Numerical Analysis of Heat Transfer Phenomenon in Various Industrial FluidsSharma, Sapna; Kumar, Bhuvaneshvar; Singla, Tanvi
26-Dec-2024Development of Dynamic Data Envelopment Analysis Models and their Applications in Some Real-life ProblemsPuri, Jolly; Kaur, Rajinder
18-Dec-2024Numerical Analysis of Mathematical Models Originating in Biological and Physical ApplicationsSingh, Paramjeet; Sinha, Sweta
24-Oct-2024Approaches to Solve Matrix Games and Bi-Matrix Games Under Different Fuzzy EnvironmentsKumar, Amit; Verma, Tina; Kirti
24-Oct-2024Approaches to Solve Some Mathematical Programming Problems Under Different Fuzzy EnvironmentsKumar, Amit; Tomar, Parul
14-Aug-2024Multi-Objective Integer Programming ProblemsSharma, Vikas; Prerna
22-May-2024Optimality and Duality Results for Some Bilevel Programming ProblemsKailey, Navdeep; Saini, Shivani
8-May-2024Steady-State Analysis of Dynamically Disordered Asymmetric Simple Exclusion ProcessSharma, Sapna; Dhiman, Isha; Garg, Shaweta
8-May-2024Mathematical Modeling for Mechanical Analysis of Composite StructuresKavita; Grover, Neeraj; Dhuria, Mohit
15-Jan-2024On a Study of Some Analogues of Minimal ExcludantRana, Meenakshi; Kaur, Prabh Simrat
5-Dec-2023On Combinatorics and Congruences for q−SeriesRana, Meenakshi; Kaur, Harman
21-Sep-2023Transport Characteristics of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer through Porous Media and Porous Obstacles for Various Configurations and FluidsSharma, Sapna; Chandra, Avinash; Kaur, Rajvinder
6-Sep-2023Stability of Some Functional Equations using Fixed Point ApproachChandok, Sumit; Sharma, Ravinder Kumar
9-Aug-2023On Mesh-free Method for Singularly Perturbed ProblemsSangwan, Vivek; Kaur, Jagbir
30-May-2022Investigation of traffic characteristics in vehicular transportSharma, Sapna; Kaur, Daljeet
18-Apr-2023On Combinatorics of q–Series and OverpartitionsMeenakshi Rana; Vasudha
14-Nov-2022On the Probability that an Automorphism of a Group Fixes an Element of the GroupGumber, Deepak; Kalra, Hemant; Goyal, Ashish
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 111