Doctoral Theses@CED : [61] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 61
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
27-Dec-2024Bond Behavior of FRP Retrofitted and Old/New Concrete Using Graphene Derivative Modified EpoxyKwatra, Naveen; Chawla, Himanshu; Kaur, Mandeep
29-Oct-2024A Study on Bacterial Transport Through Subsurface MediaRatha, Dwarikanath; Babbar, Richa; Baranwal, Manoj; Chalotra, Ajay
28-Oct-2024Strength and Durability Properties of Self-Compacting Concrete Made with Recycled Glass and MetakaolinSiddique, Rafat; Singh, Harvinder
25-Oct-2024Strength and Durability Characteristics of High Strength Concrete made with Scrap Tire Crumb RubberSiddique, Rafat; Sidhu, Amandeep Singh
24-Oct-2024Behaviour of Three Dimensional Expanded Polystyrene (Eps) Sandwiched Concrete Panels Under Aggressive EnvironmentSharma, Shruti; A. B., Danie Roy; Garhwal, Anil
24-Oct-2024Utilization of Industrial By-Products for Development of Controlled Low Strength Materials (CLSM)Goyal, Shweta; Kumar, Maneek; Aggarwal, Jaideep
12-Sep-2024Behaviour of Beam-Column Joints Retrofitted with High Strength Fiber Reinforced Concrete at Varying Levels of Corrosion DamageSingh, Heaven; Dangwal, Shubham
21-Jun-2024Modified Epoxy Coatings for Corrosion Inhibition in Reinforcing Bars in ConcreteSharma, Shruti; Sharma, Sandeep Kumar; Mehta, Rajeev; Sharma, Nikhil
31-May-2024Mechanical and Durability Properties of Concrete Incorporating LD SlagDanie Roy, A. B.; Singh, Heaven; Singh, Pavitar
31-May-2024Response of Waste Foundry Sand Backfilled Retaining WallParihar, Aditya; Kumar, Ankit
21-May-2024Behaviour of Structurally Insulated PanelsKwatra, Naveen; Roy, A. B. Danie; Bishnoi, Upender
4-Nov-2023Inhibition Mechanism of Amino Acids Against Carbonation-Induced Corrosion in Reinforced ConcreteGoyal, Shweta; Luxami, Vijay; Purnima
30-Aug-2023Corrosion Performance of Migratory Inhibitors Under Combined Chloride and Carbonation IngressGoyal, Shweta; Tiwari, Ashish Kumar
11-Jul-2023Development of Microbial System to Remediate Reinforced Concrete StructuresGoyal, Shweta; Reddy, M Sudhakara; Anand, Kamal
7-Apr-2022Health Monitoring of RC Beam-Column Joints Using Acoustic Emission TechniqueKwatra, Naveen; Sharma, Shruti; Singh, Shamsher
17-Nov-2022Properties of Self-Compacting Concrete Incorporating Rice Husk Ash and Waste Foundry SandSiddique, Rafat; Sandhu, Ravinder Kaur
10-Nov-2022Health Monitoring of GFRP Repaired Reinforced Concrete and Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Beams using Acoustic Emission TechniqueKwatra, Naveen; Sharma, Shruti; Goyal, Priya
17-Oct-2022Assessment of Damage in Corroded and FRP Repaired Corroded Beams Using Advanced NDT TechniquesSharma, Shruti; Sharma, Sandeep Kumar; Garhwal, Sunil
12-Jul-2022Anchorage Capacity of Headed Reinforced Bars in ConcreteKwatra, Naveen; Roy, A.B. Danie; Sachdeva, Payal
21-Jun-2022Simulation of Run-Off Induced Soil Erosion and Its Impact On Water Quality from A Watershed in Shivalik Foot-HillsSingh, Sarbjit; Babbar, Richa; Walia, Sushma
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 61