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Title: Investigation on fabrication of aluminium based porous materials
Authors: Mittal, Ankesh
Supervisor: Jain, Vivek
Singla, V. K.
Keywords: porous material;Aluminum;metal foam;SEM;EDS;mechanical engineering;MED
Issue Date: 4-Sep-2015
Abstract: An experimental study has been conducted to investigation on fabrication of aluminium based porous materials. In this research work an attempt was made to fabricate the porous material by conventional method and traditional method. The porous sample was prepared using conventional method and porous foam sample was prepared using gas releasing blowing agents. For each, porous and porous foam sample investigated the porosity, compressive behaviour and metallurgical test are compared. It was shown that although aluminium porous foam has constant plateau stress which resulted higher energy absorption that the porous aluminium fabricated by conventional method, but the uniformity of pores maintained in case of porous material fabricated by conventional method. The line mapping results have further shown that adding elements were still present on the walls of pore cells.
Description: ME-Production Engineering-Thesis
Appears in Collections:Masters Theses@MED

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