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dc.contributor.supervisorRandhawa, Sukhchandan-
dc.contributor.supervisorJain, Sushma-
dc.contributor.authorBajaj, Monia-
dc.descriptionME, CSEDen
dc.description.abstractWireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is widely distributed and powerful technology which is used in various fields but due to resource constraints, it is more vulnerable to attack. To mitigate from these attacks a technique is used called Trust Management. We propose a simple and an efficient algorithm which calculate the value of trusted node and find out the malicious node by using the optimized value of nodes. Due to homogeneous energy level of these sensor nodes; they generate the minimum spanning tree. In uniform and random distribution of sensor networks, nodes are categorized into different tiers like cluster head, cluster member and base stations. Some tiers follow hierarchical structure such as LEACH. A LEACH protocol is used in our proposed model PSO based Trust Management in Wireless Sensor Network where clustering is formed. Selection of cluster head is performed by using high energy and received signal, then it calculate the trust value on the basis of some parameters like packet forwarding factor, distance factor after calculation trust, it updates the trust value using PSO. To find out the best and optimized iv value, a PSO approach is used which select the best weighted neighbor this approach enhance the working of the trust model. In this thesis, we analyze the consistency of clusters and the lifetime of the network. The simulation is implemented in MATLAB.en
dc.format.extent1223706 bytes-
dc.titlePSO based Trust Management in Wireless Sensor Networken
Appears in Collections:Masters Theses@CSED

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