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Showing results 3522 to 3541 of 6616 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
3-Sep-2008Killing Same and Different Location Multiple MutantsKumar, Ajay; Jaiswal, Updesh Kumar
20-Sep-2011Kinematic Analysis of Heating Ventilating and Cooling Module Parts of Automobile Air Conditioning System Using CAE ToolsSingh, Daljeet; Saini, Jaswinder Singh; Singh, Baljeet
7-Sep-2015Kinematic study and trajectory tracking of a five-DOF spatial manipulatorSingla, Ashish; Soni, Sanjeev; Singh, Shakti
13-Sep-2014Kinematic Study of a Spatial Hybrid Manipulator for Robot-Assisted SurgerySingla, Ashish; Soni, Sanjeev; Singh, Amanpreet
20-Mar-2017Kinetic and Thermodynamic Studies on the Effect of Amino Acids, Alcohols, Crowding Agents, and Lyotropic Salts on ProteinsKumar, Rajesh; Kumar, Rajesh
18-Jul-2014Kinetic and Thermodynamic Studies On the Effect of Chaotropic and Kosmotropic Cosolvents on ProteinsKumar, Rajesh; Jain, Rishu
16-Dec-2011Kinetic Studies on Polymerization of Poly (LACTIC ACID) Using Suitable CatalystMehta, Rajeev; Upadhyay, S. N.; Kaur, Paramjit
11-Sep-2017Kinetic Study of Sodium Borohydride Hydrolysis Using Langmuir-Hinshelwood ModelGangacharyulu, D.; Gupta, R. K.; Sudan, Arushi
24-Aug-2017Kinetics of CO 2 Sequestration by Anabaena Variabilis in a Stirred tank Batch Type PhotobioreactorDas, N.; Bhunia, Haripada; Kaur, Manpreet
5-Aug-2019King type modification of some positive linear operatorsRani, Meenu; Kaur, Manpreet
19-Apr-2007A Knowledge Based Engineering Approach for Design Automation (A Case Study: Rectangular Turret of Transformer)Subudhi, Shiv Prasad; Singh, Chanpreet; Gangacharyulu, D.; Dwivedi, Anshu
10-May-2010Knowledge Discovery in Databases Processing Using Improved Data Mining TechniquesDave, Mayank; Singh, S. B.; Manchanda, Sanjeev
28-Oct-2017A Knowledge Economy Model for Government- Academia-Industry Collaboration in Automotive Industry in IndiaNangia, Vinay K.; Batish, Ajay; Singh, Supreet
19-Aug-2019L-Asparaginase producing endophytic fungi isolated from medicinal plantsVasundhara, M; Bedi, Sonali
2-Sep-2014L-Proline Catalyzed Asymmetric Synthesis of Serotonin Norepinephrine Reuptake InhibitorsPandey, Sateyendra Kumar; Avneet, Kaur
19-Sep-2022Laboratory Investigation and Field Performance Evaluation for Chemically Stabilized Cement Treated Sub-BasesChopra, Tanuj; Pathak, Rajesh; Hazim Javaid, Sheikh
22-Sep-2016Laboratory Investigation of Bituminous Concrete (Grade – 1) Using Different Types of AdditivesChopra, Tanuj; Gupta, Himanshu
19-Sep-2022Laboratory Investigation of Cement Treated Bases (CTB) and Full-depth Reclamation (FDR) Mixes.Chopra, Tanuj; Pathak, Rajesh; Kumar, Rohan
1-Nov-2016Laboratory Investigation of Dry Lean Concrete with Copper SlagKumar, Maneek; Chopra, Tanuj; Kumar, Varinder
18-Sep-2019Laboratory Investigations and Performance Evaluation of Open Graded Friction Course (OGFC): Porous Asphalt PavementPathak, Rajesh; Chopra, Tanuj; Suneha