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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12-Sep-2006Agenda for 11th Library Committee meetingLibrarian
12-Sep-2006Agenda for 19th Library Committee meetingLibrarian
12-Sep-2006Technology Enabled Technical Education in the New Learning Paradigm: Issues and Perspectives in Delivery and AccessChauhan, Buddhi
12-Sep-2006Working with ICT: Social and ethical issuesChauhan, Buddhi
12-Sep-2006ICT Enabled Library ServicesChauhan, Buddhi
12-Sep-2006ICT Enabled Library & Information ServicesChauhan, Buddhi
12-Sep-2006Library AuromationChauhan, Buddhi
12-Sep-2006ICTLIS 2004: ProgrammeChauhan, Buddhi
12-Sep-2006Internet for LibrariesChauhan, Buddhi
13-Sep-2006Modeling and Simulation of Fluid Catalytic Cracking UnitKumar, Vineet; Srivastava, V.K.; Gupta, Raj Kumar Satyapal
13-Sep-2006Library Rules Effective October 1, 2003Librarian
13-Sep-2006Director,s report presented during eighteenth convocation held on 8th October 2004Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology; Director, TIET; Saxena, S.C.
13-Sep-2006Press reports on eighteenth convocation of Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology held on October 8, 2004-
14-Sep-2006Studies on Heat Transfer Characteristics of Heat Pipe Heat Exchanger Natural ConvectionGangacharyulu, D.; Tathgir R.G.; Kumar, Vikas
14-Sep-2006Study of Phase Separated Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal Composite FilmsRaina, K.K.; Malik, Praveen
15-Sep-2006Stochastic Optimal Power Generation SchedulingKothari, D.P.; Parti, Satish Chandra
19-Sep-2006Agenda for the 38th meeting of the Library CommitteeLibrarian; Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology
21-Sep-2006Productivity Enhancement in Engine Bearing Manufacturing Industry Through Integrated Work System and Job Design: the Ergonomic PerspectiveSingh, T.P.; Batish, Ajay Kumar
21-Sep-2006Managing Socio-Technical Change for Competitiveness in Indian Automobile IndustrySushil; Singh, T.P.; Garg, Rajiv Kumar
21-Sep-2006Isolation and Evaluation of Aluminium Tolerant Isolates of Ectomycorrhizal Fungi for Reclamation of Contaminated SoilsReddy, M. Sudhakara; Khosla, Babita