Browsing by Author Singh, Satnam

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 35  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
4-Sep-2014Catalytic and Co-Catalytic Activity of Different Shapes and Sizes of Platinum NanostructuresPal, Bonamali; Singh, Satnam; Madhuri
28-May-2018Development and Characterization of Metal-Ceramic Composite Castings through Microwave Hybrid HeatingGupta, Dheeraj; Jain, Vivek; Singh, Satnam
28-Jan-2014Development of Heterogeneous Catalysts for Formation of BiodieselSingh, Satnam; Ali, Amjad; Vishal
6-Aug-2018Effect of Time and Amount of Ag Photodeposition over TiO2 on Photo Catalytic PropertiesPal, Bonamali; Singh, Satnam; Sharma, Diksha
3-Jun-2019Entrapment Efficiency and Release Kinetics of Antihypertensive and Anticancer Drugs using Biodegradable Polymer ParticlesSingh, Satnam; Pal, Bonamali; Basu, Tanushree
3-Sep-2014An Experimantal Investigations into the Performance of Nanorefrigerants (R134a+Al2O3, R134a+SiO2) based Refrigeration SystemLal, Kundan; Singh, Satnam
29-Jul-2009Greener Reactions Under Solvent Free ConditionsSingh, Satnam; Sapna
10-Aug-2009Incineration and Photocatalytic Degradation of PyrenePal, Bonamali; Singh, Satnam; Rani, Malka
6-Aug-2018Influence of Ag-Cu Binary Metal Photo Deposition Over TiO2 on its Photocatalytic Activity under Sunlight IrradiationPal, Bonamali; Singh, Satnam; Deeksha
3-Oct-2023Influence of g-C3N4 and metal loading on layered double hydroxides for their improved adsorption and photocatalytic propertiesPal, Bonamali; Singh, Satnam; Kaur, Harpreet
11-Aug-2011Lithium Doped Silicon Dioxide as Heterogeneous Catalysts for Transesterification of Non-Edible OilsSingh, Satnam; Minhas, Tajbir Kaur
19-Aug-2009Microwave Assisted Reactions Under Benign ConditionsSingh, Satnam; Singla, Rajni
5-Aug-2010Mixed Oxides as Heterogeneous Catalysts for Transesterification ReactionSingh, Satnam; Aggarwal, Richa
21-Aug-2017Morphological Influence of ZnO Nanostructures and Cu Loading for the Photodegradation of Methyl ParathionSingh, Satnam; Kaur, Satinder
10-Oct-2011Numerical Investigation of Crack-Tip Constraint Parameters in Straight Pipes Under Reactor Operating ConditionsChhibber, Rahul; Sahu, M. K.; Singh, Satnam
27-Jun-2012Ozonation of Activated Sludge of Pulp and Paper Industry for Reduction in Quantity and ContaminationSingh, Satnam; Chakrabarti, Swapan K.; Gupta, Sanjeev
7-Sep-2024Photocatalysis of Ag-loaded MgTiO3 for degradation of Fuchsin dye and dyes present in textile wastewater under sunlightSingh, Satnam; Pal, Bonamali; Tiwari, Vishal
21-Aug-2019Photocatalytic Activity of Cr(VI) and Mn(VII) Loaded CaCO3 under Sunlight RadiationPal, Bonamali; Singh, Satnam; Kaur, Davinder
20-Aug-2015Photocatalytic Activity of SBA-15/TiO2 Nanocomposites on Industrial Hazardous MaterialsSingh, Satnam; Basu, Soumen; Akansha
14-Nov-2014Photocatalytic Degradation of Some Pesticides and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Metal Doped Titania NanoparticlesPal, Bonamali; Singh, Satnam; Grover, Inderpreet Singh