Browsing by Author Reddy, M. Sudhakara

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
16-May-2023Banana Sap, a Resource Material for Bioethanol Production and other Value Added ProductsReddy, M. Sudhakara; Baranwal, Manoj; Saxena, Sanjai; Gupta, Geetika
27-Sep-2022Biogeneic Treatment for Crack Remediation and Self-Healing in Concrete StructuresReddy, M. Sudhakara; Shelly, Chauhan
29-Jul-2019Biotechnological approaches for development of blight resistance in selected Indian potato cultivar(s)Kumar, Anil; Reddy, M. Sudhakara; Kaur, Amanpreet
13-Mar-2014Calcifying Bacteria Mediated Cementation for Improvement of Building MaterialsReddy, M. Sudhakara; Mukherjee, Abhijit; Dhami, Navdeep Kaur
24-Sep-2013Characterization of novel carbonic anhydrase from halophilic bacterial isolates and it’s role in microbially induced calcium carbonate precipitationReddy, M. Sudhakara; Sharma, Othima
25-Sep-2013Characterization of thermostable and alkalophilic lipase enzyme from endophytic fungus Leptosphaerulina spReddy, M. Sudhakara; Kirti, Singh
26-Aug-2016Cloning and characterization of metallothionein gene LbMT3 isolated from ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria bicolorReddy, M. Sudhakara; Kaur, Prabhleen
29-Aug-2016Cloning and Characterization of Metallothionein genes of Suillus SpeciesReddy, M. Sudhakara; Kalsotra, Tania
23-Aug-2021Computational analysis of transcriptome and metabolic pathways of malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparumReddy, M. Sudhakara; Singh, Sanjay Kumar
15-Jan-2024Development of Polymeric Hydrogel Nanocomposites for Antibacterial ApplicationAgnihotri, Shekhar; Reddy, M. Sudhakara; Dhiman, Navneet Kaur
28-Oct-2014Evaluation and Production of Bacosides from Selected Clones of Bacopa Monnieri (L.) Wettst.Kumar, Anil; Reddy, M. Sudhakara; Bansal, Mahima
22-Aug-2019Expression and Purification of Recombinant Pneumococcal Surface Proteins from E.coliReddy, M. Sudhakara; Panda, A. K.; Bansal, Tamanna
28-Oct-2024Genome Analysis and Transcriptomic Profile of Ectomycorrhizal Fungus Pisolithus albus under Metal StressReddy, M. Sudhakara; Chot, Eetika
17-Aug-2018Isolation and Characterization of Calcifying Bacteria from Steel Slag and Their Role in BiomineralizationReddy, M. Sudhakara; Rani, Isha
21-Sep-2006Isolation and Evaluation of Aluminium Tolerant Isolates of Ectomycorrhizal Fungi for Reclamation of Contaminated SoilsReddy, M. Sudhakara; Khosla, Babita
17-Aug-2018Isolation, tolerance, bioaccumulation and plant growth promoting activities of selenium tolerant fungal isolates in vitro and in vivoReddy, M. Sudhakara; Vashisht, Akanksha
11-Feb-2021Metatranscriptomic analysis of metal contaminated soils for isolation of metal tolerant genesReddy, M. Sudhakara; Thakur, Bharti
28-Feb-2007Organic Acid Exudation by Ectomycorrhizal Fungi in Responce to AluminiumReddy, M. Sudhakara; Kanwal, Harpreet Kaur
6-Sep-2023Removal of Chromium and Lead from water through biomineralizationReddy, M. Sudhakara; Poddar, Dhruv
27-Sep-2022Removal of Toxic Metals in Wastewater through BiomineralizationReddy, M. Sudhakara; Manjot, Kaur