Browsing by Author Reddy, A. S.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 28  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
8-Oct-2010Design of Sewerage System for Rural Human Settlement: A Case StudyReddy, A. S.; Jain, Amita
23-Sep-2008Electro-Chemical Treatment of WastewaterReddy, A. S.; Mohta, Ankit
25-Sep-2009Electrochemical Treatment of Organic and Oily WastewatersReddy, A. S.; Tripathi, Sumedha
22-Aug-2016Energy Analysis of Thapar University CampusReddy, A. S.; Saxena, Vineet
12-Sep-2016Energy Management Studies in an Engineering IndustryReddy, A. S.; Garg, Vipin; Singh, Amarpreet
24-Aug-2015Environmental analysis of Thapar technological campus and environmental management plan developmentReddy, A. S.; Sharma, Kushboo
2-Sep-2013Groundwater recharge systems for stormwater disposalReddy, A. S.; Singh, Harkishan
12-Sep-2016Hazardous Waste Management By TSDFReddy, A. S.; Bhatia, S. S.; Kumari, Supriya
1-May-2017Integrated Water Resource Management Studies in Rural Human SettlementsReddy, A. S.; Cheema, Puneet Pal Singh
12-Oct-2010Management of Water Hyacinth Biomass Along with Industrial Effluents Through Mushroom Culturing and VermicompostingReddy, A. S.; Anand, Priyanka
1-Mar-2007Monitoring and Measurment Programme for ISO 14001 Based Environmental Management SystemsRao, A. L. J.; Reddy, A. S.; Kaur, Maninder
8-Sep-2014Performance Assessment and Design Analysis of UASB based Sewage Treatment PlantReddy, A. S.; Ghuman, Bikramjeet Singh
1-Mar-2007Performance Evaluation and Capacity Assesment of a CEPT for Metal Platting IndustriesReddy, A. S.; Singh, Vikas
24-Aug-2015Performance evaluation and design analysis of the sewage treatment plant based on the anaerobic baffled reactorReddy, A. S.; Kaur, Ramandeep
14-Oct-2010Performance Evaluation of Oxidation Based Sewage Treatment PlantReddy, A. S.; Kumar, Sachin
25-Sep-2009Performance Evaluation of UASB + Polishing pond Based Sewage Treatment PlantBabu, K. S.; Reddy, A. S.; Sharma, Pinki
25-Sep-2009Performance Evaluation of Waste Stabilization Pond Based Sewage Treatment PlantReddy, A. S.; Khatri, Poonam
13-Oct-2010Performance Monitoring and Evaluation of Sewage Treatement Plants Based on UASB-Facultative PondReddy, A. S.; Gill, Tarandeep Gill
8-Sep-2014Performance Monitoring and Evaluation of Sewage Treatment PlantReddy, A. S.; Gupta, Sneha
8-Oct-2010Pilot Scale Study on Pressure Filtration System for Evaluation of Filtralite Filter MediaReddy, A. S.; Tyagi, Nidhi