Browsing by Author Basu, Soumen

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
27-Jul-2018Applications of Novel Composite Support Materials Capable Of Incorporating In-Situ Dual Effect for Degradation of IsoproturonVerma, Anoop; Basu, Soumen; Shandial, Alisha
10-Oct-2018Catalytic and Optical Application of Metal oxide and Carbon Dot Nanostructures: Effect of Morphology and ConcentrationBasu, Soumen; Mehta, Akansha
22-Jan-2019Clay Supported TiO2 Nanocomposites for Photocatalytic Degradation of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and DyesBasu, Soumen; Mishra, Amit
15-Sep-2022Development of Ester Oil Based Nanofluid as Liquid Insulation for Power TransformersBasak, Prasenjit; Basu, Soumen; Bin Siddique, Zaid
1-Aug-2018Enhanced Photocatalytic Degradation of Industrial Dye by g-C3N4/TiO2 Nanocomposite: Role of Shape of TiO2Basu, Soumen; Monga, Divya
10-Oct-2023Fabrication of Composite Membranes for Filtration ApplicationsBulasara, Vijaya Kumar; Basu, Soumen; Malik, Nisha
10-Aug-2017Fabrication of LDH Supported Homogeneous & Heterogeneous Bimetallic Nanocomposites and It’s Catalytic ApplicationsBasu, Soumen; Arora, Nidhi
26-Aug-2017IN-SITU Dual Effect Studies for the Degradation of Phenazone Using Slurry and Fixed Bed ApproachVerma, Anoop; Basu, Soumen; Charu
10-Aug-2018Modification of SnO2 nanotubes with g-C3N4 for superior photocatalytic degradation of toxic dye under visible light irradiationsBasu, Soumen; Kumari, Pooja
11-Sep-2024Nanocomposite for Organic Pollutant Removal and Hydrogen Production through PhotocatalysisBasu, Soumen; Garg, Bhavika
10-Aug-2017Photo-Degradation of Methylene Blue Using Clay Supported V2o5-Tio2 Nano-CompositesBasu, Soumen; Parashar, Shruti
20-Aug-2015Photocatalytic Activity of SBA-15/TiO2 Nanocomposites on Industrial Hazardous MaterialsSingh, Satnam; Basu, Soumen; Akansha
29-Oct-2021Removal of Organic Pollutants by Modified Zeolite/Clay Based Adsorbents/PhotocatalystsBasu, Soumen; Barman, Sanghamitra; Aanchal
27-Aug-2020Sensing of Inorganic Ions and Organic Molecules Using Fluorescence and Plasmonic NanomaterialsBasu, Soumen; Kainth, Shagun
10-Aug-2017A Sensitive Turn off – Turn on Fluorescent Probe for Detection of Biothiols Using Mno2@Carbon DotsBasu, Soumen; Garg, Dimple
20-Aug-2019Solar Light-Driven Photocatalytic Degradation of Methylene Blue by Mesoporous g-C3N4@BiOCl hybridBasu, Soumen; Aayushi
16-Nov-2022Study of the morphology effect of MnO2 on Carbon dot-based nanosensor for the detection of biomoleculesBasu, Soumen; Maity, Banibrata; Neeraj
28-Nov-2019Study on CO2 capture using nanostructure carbon adsorbentsBasu, Soumen; Bhunia, Haripada; Singh, Jasminder
6-Oct-2016Study The Effect of Surfactant on The Porous Structure of Silica MonolithBasu, Soumen; Jain, Pallavi
9-Aug-2017Synthesis and characterization of SO42- loaded mixed oxides heterogeneous catalyst: Application in biolubricantAli, Amjad; Basu, Soumen; Kaur, Navneet