Browsing by Author Singh, Maninder

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Showing results 46 to 65 of 83 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
25-Aug-2014Gene Mutation Analysis -Role of Open Source Tools for Personalized Medication and Designer Drugs in a Cost-Effective and Efficient MannerSingh, Maninder; Singh, Tarun Preet
12-Sep-2019Gesture Recognition Using Tuned Convolution Neural NetworkKumar, Sunil; Kumar, Sukhwinder; Singh, Maninder
12-Aug-2009Hardening Linux Operating System to Mask against FingerprintingSingh, Maninder; Kaur, Ratinder
11-Jul-2011Hybrid and Enhanced Framework for Visualization and Analysis of Network Traffic DataSingh, Maninder; Verma, Nitin Prakash
29-Sep-2017Implement Software Access Point using Linux HotspotSingh, Maninder; Singh, V. P.; Singh, Hargovind
20-Aug-2014Implementation of Secure, Fast and Efficient RSA Algorithm on GPUSingh, Maninder; Mahajan, Sonam
11-Jan-2019Improved Data Structures for Dynamic and Massive DataGarg, Deepak; Singh, Maninder; Sunita
5-Aug-2016Improved File System Security through Restrictive AccessSingh, Maninder; Kaur, Navneet
31-Jul-2013Improved IPv6 Trace-Back technique to uncover Denial of Service (DoS) attacksSingh, Maninder; Jain, Abhishek
6-Aug-2018Improving Oracle Retail Merchandising System and Oracle Retail Sales Audit using Functional and Software Security Assurance TestingSingh, Maninder; Gupta, Bhawna
29-Jul-2015Integrated Network Traffic Visualization for Threat Detection, Analysis and ReportingSingh, Maninder; Kumar, Amit
24-Jul-2008Intrusion Prevention Scripts to Detect Malicious Traffic using BroSingh, Maninder; Singh, Navdeep
19-Jun-2007JGSnap: A Graphical Analyzer for HoneysnapSingh, Maninder; Vershney, Abhishek
9-Jul-2009Load Flow Solution of Radial Distribution Systems Using Two Port ParametersSingh, Yaduvir; Patnaik, N.; Ghosh, S.; Singh, Maninder
12-Aug-2009Log Visualization to track Compromised Host on the NetworkSingh, Maninder; Goyal, Sheenam
23-Jul-2015Machine Learning Approach to Malware Analysis and ReportingSingh, Maninder; Dhammi, Arshi
14-Sep-2016Malware Detection Based on Opcode FrequencySingh, Maninder; Yewale, Abhijit
20-Aug-2012Mobile Application for Transliteration of Roman Script to Gurmukhi ScriptKumar, Parteek; Kaur, Rupinderdeep; Singh, Maninder
8-Jun-2015Network Security Model for Attack Signature Generation, Tracking and AnalysisSingh, Maninder; Kaur, Sanmeet
5-Aug-2010Network Vulnerability Detection Using Ant Colony OptimizationSingh, Maninder; Kumar, Yogesh