Browsing by Author Singh, Kulvir

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Showing results 21 to 40 of 58 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
21-Sep-2011Preparation and Characterization of Tungsten Carbide Micro/Nano CompositesPandey, O. P.; Singh, Kulvir; Kumar, Akshay
11-Sep-2017Preparation and Characterization of Undoped and Transition Metal Doped TiO2 Nanoparticles for the Photocatalytic Degradation of Phthalate EstersSingh, Kulvir; Pandey, O. P.; Singla, Pooja
24-Sep-2024Preparation of Silicate Based Glasses and their Interaction Study with Different Electrolytes for Solid Oxide Fuel CellsSingh, Kulvir; Walia, Trisha
2-May-2017Structural and bioactive properties of Fe/Mn oxides substituted sodium silicate glassesSingh, Kulvir; Singh, Satwinder
4-Sep-2012Structural and Optical Properties of Bismuth VanadateSingh, Kulvir; Devi, Malti
24-Sep-2014Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties of Y2O3 in Borosilicate GlassesSingh, Kulvir; Kalia, Gaurav
28-Oct-2013Structural, Physical and Optical Properties of Rice Husk Ash Derived Glass/CeramicsSingh, Kulvir; Sharma, Gaurav
9-Aug-2016Structural, thermal and electrochemical studies of nano tungsten carbidesSingh, Kulvir; Pandey, O. P.; Singla, Gourav
25-Jul-2008Studies of Some Bismuth Based Electrolytes for Solid Oxide Fuel CellsSingh, Kulvir; Pandey, O.P.; Kant, Ravi
10-Dec-2015Studies on AO-Bi2O3-V2O5 (A = Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba) ceramics as electrolytesSingh, Kulvir; Gupta, Sakshi
13-Sep-2010Studies On Dielectric Properties of Calcium Copper Titanate at Different Sintering ConditionsSingh, Kulvir; Kumar, Ravindra
16-Oct-2014Studies on Lanthanum based Ionic Conductors as Electrolyte MaterialsPandey, O. P.; Singh, Kulvir; Sood, Kapil
7-Apr-2009Studies on SiO2-BaO-ZnO-(M2O3)x-(B2O3)1-x (M= Al, Mn, Y, La) Based Glass SealantsSingh, Kulvir; Pandey, O. P.; Arora, Anu
8-Mar-2007Studies on some glass sealants for solid oxide fuel cellSingh, Kulvir; Kumar, Vishal
18-Sep-2017Studies on Structural and Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotube Dispersed Tungsten Carbide-Cobalt Nano/Micro CompositesSingh, Kulvir; Kumar, Devender
29-Sep-2014Study of Alkaline Earth Metals Substitution in Bismuth based Mixed ion ConductorsSingh, Kulvir; Pandey, O. P.; Samita
8-Sep-2010Study of Bioactive and Optical Properties of Zinc Barium Borosilicate GlassesSingh, Kulvir; Sharma, Poonam
18-Nov-2011Study of Bioactive and Structural Properties of Na2O Modified GlassessSingh, Kulvir; Singh, Ishvdeep
4-Oct-2013Study of glass-steel interface for corrosion resistant applicationsPandey, O. P.; Singh, Kulvir; Kaur, Bhupinder
14-Aug-2015Study of Heat Affected Zone of a Weld in 9Cr-1.8W-0.5Mo Steel for Power Plant ApplicationSingh, Kulvir; Ravibharath, Shri R.; Kumar, S. Vinoth