Browsing by Author Sharma, Sumeet

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Showing results 28 to 37 of 37 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20-Sep-2013Some study on heat transfer and pressure drop characteratics of cuo-distilled water based nanofluidsSharma, Sumeet; Gangacharyulu, D.; Kumar, Sunil
17-Oct-2012Studies on Improvement of Intake Manifold for Compressed Natural Gas EngineSharma, Sumeet; Gangacharyulu, D.; Kumar, Devender
30-Jul-2019Study and Evaluation of Cu-H2O Based Heat Pipe Under Forced ConvectionSharma, Sumeet; Gangacharyulu, D.; Sharma, Chetan
27-Jul-2018A Study of Heat Transfer in Microchannels Using Aluminium Oxide NanofluidsSharma, Sumeet; Gangacharyulu, D.; Singh, Arun Vir
29-Jul-2016Study of Heat Transfer in Microchannels Using Aluminum Oxide NanofluidsSharma, Sumeet; Gangacharyulu, D.; Saini, Atul
6-Sep-2012Study of Performance and Emission Characteristics of Different Blends of Biodiesel Prepared from Waste Cottonseed OilSharma, Sumeet; Mohapatra, Saroj Kumar; Kundu, Krishnendu; Singla, Varun
6-Sep-2012Study of Various Methods of Biodiesel Production and Properties of Biodiesel Prepared from Waste Cotton Seed Oil and Waste Mustard OilSharma, Sumeet; Mohapatra, Saroj Kumar; Kundu, Krishnendu; Singh, Sandeep
29-Jul-2016Temperature Behavior of Briquette Using Saw Dust and Cyclone Ash as Basic Raw Material and Checking its Performance and Emission Characteristics Using DFCI EngineSharma, Sumeet; Gangacharyulu, D.; Dua, Aashish
10-Aug-2015To study the effect of Al/water nanofluids on thermo-hydraulic performance of single-pass cross-flow compact heat exchangerSharma, Sumeet; Gangacharyulu, D.; Singh, Suveg
7-Aug-2015Variation of thermo-physical properties of thermal energy storage system with the use of aluminium/distilled water based nanofluid through a circular pipeSharma, Sumeet; Gangacharyulu, D.; Singh, Varinder