Browsing by Author Nanda, Tarun

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Showing results 21 to 35 of 35 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
21-Mar-2023Polymeric Filler Reinforced Glass Fiber Epoxy Nanocomposites for Improved Impact StrengthNanda, Tarun; Mehta, Rajeev; Shelly, Daksh
13-Aug-2018Processing of harmonic type DP microstructures in the given steel and investigating deformation behavior through tensile testing and also by modelling-simulation.Nanda, Tarun; Kumar, B. Ravi; Singh, Harmanpreet
8-Sep-2012A Quantitative Analysis of the Relationship between Drivers of Innovativeness and Performance of MSMEsNanda, Tarun; Gupta, Himanshu
8-Sep-2012A Quantitative Evaluation of the Barriers Hindering the Growth of Small Sized Enterprises in a Developing EconomyNanda, Tarun; Kharub, Manjeet
1-May-2007THe Role of Process Innovation in Attaining Strategic Technological CapabilityNanda, Tarun; Sabharwal, Raveesh
19-Aug-2015Simulations for Pearlite-to-Austenite Transformation in a DP590 Steel for Improved Mechanical PropertiesNanda, Tarun; Kumar, B. Ravi; Sharma, Sandeep
22-Sep-2023Study of Dry Sliding Wear Characteristics of Boron Carbide and Ilmenite Mineral Reinforced AMCsNanda, Tarun; Pandey, O. P.; Gupta, Rahul
13-Jan-2021Study of dry sliding wear characteristics of sillimanite reinforced aluminium alloy matrix compositesNanda, Tarun; Pandey, O. P.; Sharma, Sandeep
20-Mar-2019Study of Epoxy Based GFRP Nanocomposites Modified With Polymer Fiber/ElastomerNanda, Tarun; Mehta, Rajeev; Singh, Karanbir
19-Sep-2011Study of Mechanisms to Produce Ultra Fine Nano Grained Copper through Thermal Cycling ProcessNanda, Tarun; Pandey, O. P.; Kumar, B. Ravi; Rai, Mridul
17-Aug-2017The Synergistic Influence of Chemical Composition and Industrial Annealing Processes on Lüders Bands Formation in Interstitial Free High Strength SteelsNanda, Tarun; Kumar, B. Ravi; Singh, Gurpreet
19-Aug-2015Synthesis, Characterization and Mechanical Behaviour of Epoxy Nanocomposites Reinforced with Layered SilicatesNanda, Tarun; Mehta, Rajeev; Sharma, Gaurav
17-Aug-2017Synthesis, Characterization, and Dry Sliding Wear Characteristics of LM27 Alloy Based AMCs with Ceramic FillersNanda, Tarun; Pandey, O. P.; Gupta, Rahul
16-Sep-2013To investigate the Microstructural Changes during Tensile Deformation of AISI 304L Austenitic Stainless Steels using In-Situ and Ex-Situ Tensile ExperimentNanda, Tarun; Das, Swapan Kumar; Singh, Navjot
13-Aug-2018To investigate the tensile deformation behavior of high martensite DP steels using nano-indentation and spherical indentation hardness testingNanda, Tarun; Kumar, B. Ravi; Jeet, Vikram