Browsing by Author Mehta, Rajeev

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Showing results 27 to 43 of 43 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
19-Aug-2009Organic Modification of ClayMehta, Rajeev; Singla, Pankil
17-Oct-2016Performance Evaluation of Carbon Nanotubes Modified Fibre Reinforced Polymer CompositesMehta, Rajeev; Sharma, Shruti; Garg, Mohit
2013Polyethylene Terephthalate Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Nano CompositesSharma, Bikramjit; Mehta, Rajeev; Jindal, Yashpal
20-Aug-2013Polymer fibre and cellulose composite paper with starch binder for electrical insulationMehta, Rajeev; Bajpai, P. K.; Pandey, Abhishek Kumar
21-Mar-2023Polymeric Filler Reinforced Glass Fiber Epoxy Nanocomposites for Improved Impact StrengthNanda, Tarun; Mehta, Rajeev; Shelly, Daksh
17-Feb-2011Preparation and Characterization of PDLLA-PCL-Starch Blends Processed Under Microwave RadiationMehta, Rajeev; Singla, Ritika
14-Aug-2012Preparation and Characterization of Polymer Fiber and Cellulose Composite Paper for Electrical InsulationMehta, Rajeev; Bajpai, P. K.; Chandrashekar, Ramesh
16-Sep-2013Preparation and characterization of polymer fibre and cellulose paper with polyvinyl alcoholSharma, Bikramjit; Mehta, Rajeev; Kumar, Anil
26-Sep-2018Processing and Characterization of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Nanocomposites and their Degradation under Hygrothermal LoadingMehta, Rajeev; Chhibber, Rahul; Sharma, Bikramjit
20-Dec-2021Studies on Polymer Nanocomposite Adsorbents for Dye RemovalMehta, Rajeev; Kalotra, Shivani
18-Sep-2019Studies on Polymer Nanocomposites as Shear Thickening FluidsMehta, Rajeev; Singh, Mansi
20-Mar-2019Study of Epoxy Based GFRP Nanocomposites Modified With Polymer Fiber/ElastomerNanda, Tarun; Mehta, Rajeev; Singh, Karanbir
3-Aug-2016Study of Pre-Shearing Protocol and Rheological Parameters of Shear Thickening Fluids Containing Nano ParticlesMehta, Rajeev; Passey, Pavni
24-May-2016Synthesis and Characterization of Polyurethane NanocompositesMehta, Rajeev; Rattan, Sunita; Puri, Pooja
13-May-2024Synthesis of Graphene Oxide from Different Precursors and its Fiber-Reinforced NanocompositesBasu, Soumen; Mehta, Rajeev; Mahajan, Roop L.; Garg, Anushka
19-Aug-2015Synthesis, Characterization and Mechanical Behaviour of Epoxy Nanocomposites Reinforced with Layered SilicatesNanda, Tarun; Mehta, Rajeev; Sharma, Gaurav
20-Aug-2013To Study The Characterization And Evaluation Of Cellulosic Based Solid Insulation Having Low PermittivityMehta, Rajeev; Chaudhari, Sushil; Singh, Aurnabh