Browsing by Author Mehta, Rajeev

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Showing results 13 to 32 of 43 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
26-Aug-2014Fabrication and Property Evaluation of a Epoxy-Clay-PET Nanocomposite SystemNanda, Tarun; Mehta, Rajeev; Raturi, Madhav
27-Aug-2012Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Nanocomposites: Influence of Postcuring and Nanoclay Content on Mechanical PropertiesSharma, Bikramjit; Mehta, Rajeev; Singh, Mahakdeep
7-Mar-2013Glass Fiber Reinforced Nanocomposites Effects of Fiber Orientation and Nanoclay ContentSharma, Bikramjit; Mehta, Rajeev; Dagar, Vikas
12-Aug-2013Glass Fiber/Epoxy Polymer Nanocomposites: Effect of Another Polymeric FiberMehta, Rajeev; Sharma, Bikramjit; Parul
2-Dec-2011Granulation of Zirconium PhosphoborateMittal, Susheel; Mehta, Rajeev; Sharma, Rahul
16-Dec-2011Kinetic Studies on Polymerization of Poly (LACTIC ACID) Using Suitable CatalystMehta, Rajeev; Upadhyay, S. N.; Kaur, Paramjit
2-Sep-2014Mechanical Properties of Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Nanocomposites: Effect of Different NanoclaysSharma, Bikramjit; Mehta, Rajeev; Bhangu, Kabal Singh
11-Aug-2014Microwave Assisted Polymerization of Lactide and In Situ Preparation of Poly (Lactic Acid) - Clay NanocompositesMehta, Rajeev; Upadhyay, S. N.; Singla, Pankil
25-Oct-2013Modeling and Simulation of Insolation for Solar PV and Thermal Based Power Plants in IndiaMittal, Susheel; Mehta, Rajeev; Jain, Amit
17-Nov-2006Modeling and Simulation of Poly (Lactic Acid) PolymerizationMehta, Rajeev; Upadhyay, S.N. (Guide); Vineet Kumar (Guide); Mehta, Rajeev
21-Jun-2024Modified Epoxy Coatings for Corrosion Inhibition in Reinforcing Bars in ConcreteSharma, Shruti; Sharma, Sandeep Kumar; Mehta, Rajeev; Sharma, Nikhil
7-Mar-2013Moisture Diffusion and Thermal Aging Effects in Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer Epoxy LaminatesSharma, Bikramjit; Mehta, Rajeev; Patil, Vishwasrao Bajirao
14-Nov-2022Nano-Modification of Epoxy Coatings on Concrete Using Graphene DerivativesSharma, Shruti; Mehta, Rajeev; Nagaraj, Shivani
27-Aug-2012Nanoclay Reinforcement Effects on Thermomechanical Properties of e Glass/Nanoclay- Epoxy LaminatesSharma, Bikramjit; Mehta, Rajeev; Verma, Rajan
19-Aug-2009Organic Modification of ClayMehta, Rajeev; Singla, Pankil
17-Oct-2016Performance Evaluation of Carbon Nanotubes Modified Fibre Reinforced Polymer CompositesMehta, Rajeev; Sharma, Shruti; Garg, Mohit
2013Polyethylene Terephthalate Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Nano CompositesSharma, Bikramjit; Mehta, Rajeev; Jindal, Yashpal
20-Aug-2013Polymer fibre and cellulose composite paper with starch binder for electrical insulationMehta, Rajeev; Bajpai, P. K.; Pandey, Abhishek Kumar
21-Mar-2023Polymeric Filler Reinforced Glass Fiber Epoxy Nanocomposites for Improved Impact StrengthNanda, Tarun; Mehta, Rajeev; Shelly, Daksh
17-Feb-2011Preparation and Characterization of PDLLA-PCL-Starch Blends Processed Under Microwave RadiationMehta, Rajeev; Singla, Ritika