Browsing by Author Kumar, Satish

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Showing results 44 to 61 of 61 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
10-Aug-2015Rheological Characterization of MineralsKumar, Satish; Mohapatra, S. K.; Kumawat, Nitin
27-Oct-2012Rheological Investigation of Coal Water Slurries With and Without AdditiveKumar, Satish; Singh, Ayush Kumar
1-Sep-2008Simulation of Optimum Loss Models for Radial Centrifugal PumpKumar, Satish; Mittal, Sushil
29-Aug-2014Simulation Study of Centrifugal Pump Performance with Variation of Number of BladesKumar, Satish; Kaushik, Prashant
26-Oct-2015Solutions of some nonlinear partial differential equationsJiwari, Ram; Kumar, Satish; Verma, Anjali
3-Oct-2016Some Dynamical Problems in Elastic Continua with MicrostructuresKumar, Satish; Sharma, Vikas
29-Jun-2017Studies on Slurry Erosion of Hard Protective Coatings on 13-4 Martensitic Stainless Steel for Hydro Turbine BladesKumar, Satish; Nath, Gaurav
19-Aug-2011Study of Erosion Wear of Pump Material for Handling Water Ash SlurryKumar, Satish; Mishra, Aseem
Sep-2010Study of Performance Characteristics of Centrifugal Slurry Pump Handling Bottom AshKumar, Satish; Mohapatra, S. K.; Singh, Jai Inder Preet
Sep-2010Study of Performance of Ash Disposal System Using CFDKumar, Satish; Mohapatra, S. K.; Jain, Robin
3-Jan-2012Study of Rheological Behavior of Bottom Ash With AdditivesMohapatra, S. K.; Kumar, Satish; Sharma, Sandeep
23-Sep-2013Study of Slurry Flow Behaviour Of Multi-Sized Particulate Ash SlurryKumar, Satish; Madan, Komal
30-Jan-2023Study on Flow Characteristics of Multisized Sand Slurry in Straight Pipe and BendsRatha, Dwarikanath; Kumar, Satish; Singh, Varinder
31-Jul-2018A study on Lamb Wave Propogation in Elastic ContinuaKumar, Satish; Kaur, Divjot
21-Aug-2017A Study on Rayleigh Wave Propagation in Elastic continuaKumar, Satish; Dolcy
27-Oct-2021Study on Wave Propagation Phenomena in Layered MediaKumar, Satish; Goyal, Richa
26-Sep-2017Transportation of Heavy Crude Oil Through PipelineKumar, Satish; Kumar, Praveen
28-Sep-2023Tribological Performance Analysis of Coated Hydro Turbine Blade MaterialsMudgal, Deepa; Kumar, Satish; Kumar, Rajesh