Browsing by Author Kohli, Amit Kumar

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Showing results 8 to 27 of 38 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
16-Aug-2010Filtered-X Affine Projection Algorithm in Active Noise Control Using Volterra FilterKohli, Amit Kumar; Kumar, Mani Kant
20-Jul-2011Gain Adapted Optimum Mixture Estimator for Single Channel Speech SeparationKohli, Amit Kumar; Kapoor, Divneet Singh
14-Jul-2011Image Synthesis Techniques for Feature ExtractionKohli, Amit Kumar; Sharma, Aditya
30-Jul-2012Impact of Impulse Noise on the Symbol Error Rate Performance of OFDM SystemsKohli, Amit Kumar; Bawa, Ambika
2-Sep-2017Improved EEG Signal Analysis Techniques for Epileptic Spike Detection and Artifact ExcisionKohli, Amit Kumar; Garg, Harish Kumar
10-Aug-2018Investigations on Stacked Aperture Coupled Fractal Microstrip Antennas for Wireless Communication ApplicationsKaur, Amanpreet; Kohli, Amit Kumar; Kumari, Laxmi
21-Aug-2015Linear decoding of QO-STBC under imperfect channel estimation conditionsKohli, Amit Kumar; Singh, Bhupinder
16-Aug-2012Multiband Fractal Antenna Design and Characterisation Using Antenna Miniaturization TechniquesKohli, Amit Kumar; Singh, Rajveer
11-Aug-2017Nonlinear Acoustic Echo Cancellation Using Adaptive Algorithms under Noisy EnvironmentKohli, Amit Kumar; Sharma, Jashu
27-Aug-2013OFDM-PAPR Reduction using Statistical Clipping and Window based Noise FilteringKohli, Amit Kumar; Sehgal, Aman
25-Jul-2016Optimized Mitigation of Impulsive Noise in OFDM System using CSIKohli, Amit Kumar; Sehrawat, Shivani
11-Aug-2017Optimum Physical Design Implementation of Block Level Networking Asic and Its Power EstimationPant, Nitin; Kohli, Amit Kumar; Singh, Tej Pal
16-Aug-2016Parameter Estimation and Tracking of Sinusoidal Signal using Variable-Step-Size LMS AlgorithmsKohli, Amit Kumar; Garg, Rohit
16-Aug-2010Performance Analysis of Space Time Block Codes with Channel CodingKohli, Amit Kumar; Kumar, Roshan
30-Jun-2021Performance Analysis of Spatially Coded OFDM Wireless Systems Using Channel State InformationKohli, Amit Kumar; Kapoor, Divneet Singh
14-Jul-2011Performance Evaluation of Adaptive Polynomial Filtering Algorithms for Time-Varying Parameter EstimationKohli, Amit Kumar; Gupta, Ankur
14-Aug-2014Performance Evaluation of Free Space Optical (FSO) Communication with Direct Detection in the Presence of Optical JammerKohli, Amit Kumar; Kaur, Parampreet
29-Aug-2013Performance Evaluation of Generalized ADALINE Neural Configuration with Variable Learning-rate ParameterKohli, Amit Kumar; Savita
14-Aug-2014Performance Evaluation of High-Rate Space-Time Block-Coded Wireless Systems Working Under Nakagami Fading ChannelKohli, Amit Kumar; Kumar, Devendra
8-Aug-2016Performance Evaluation of High-Rate Stbc Communication System Using Imperfect CSI Working Under Time-Selective Flat-Fading ChannelKohli, Amit Kumar; Sonali