Browsing by Author Agarwal, Ravinder

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Showing results 30 to 47 of 47 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
26-May-2023IoT Based Sodar Network for Estimation of Atmospheric Boundary LayerAgarwal, Ravinder; Singh, Nirbhow Jap; Soni, Kirti; Chourey, Parag
31-Oct-2015Iris recognition system for some clinical applicationsSharma, R. K.; Agarwal, Ravinder; Bansal, Atul
26-Aug-2020Myoelectric Control of Exoskeleton KneeAgarwal, Ravinder; Dhindsa, Inderjeet Singh
12-Oct-2016A Novel Double Weighing Tank Approach for Precision Flow MeasurementAgarwal, Ravinder; Yadav, Sanjay; Jaiswal, Shiv Kumar
7-Aug-2012Prosthetic Arm Control using MicrocontrollerAgarwal, Ravinder; Babli
8-Sep-2016A Pulse Based Sensor for Disease DiagnosisAgarwal, Ravinder; Goyal, Krittika
8-Apr-2016Quality assessment of black tea based on physical parameters using machine visionAgarwal, Ravinder; Kumar, Amod; Gill, Gagandeep Singh
26-Aug-2014Real-Time Speech Recognition System for Prosthetic Arm ControlAgarwal, Ravinder; Samant, Piyush
25-Aug-2010Remote Controlled Operated Prosthetic ArmAgarwal, Ravinder; Kumar, Amod; Bajwa, Amardeep
11-Sep-2017Smart Sensor and Internet of Things Enabled Condition Monitoring for Electrical SubstationsBiswal, Gyan Ranjan; Agarwal, Ravinder; Yashdeep
8-Oct-2021SODAR Echograms Based Model Development for Atmospheric Boundary Layer CharacterizationAgarwal, Ravinder; Soni, Kirti; Kumar, Nishant
31-Oct-2017Study and Analysis of SEMG Signal for Enhancement of Above Shoulder Myoelectric Arm FunctionalityAgarwal, Ravinder; Kumar, Amod; Kaur, Amanpreet
14-Jul-2011Study of Human Respiratory Functions in Relation to Crop Residue BurningAgarwal, Ravinder; Gupta, Prabhat K.; Awasthi, Amit
2-Nov-2011Study of Issues in the Development of Electronically Operated Prosthetic ArmArora, A. S.; Agarwal, Ravinder; Ryait, Hardeep Singh
15-Mar-2018Thin Film Based Gas Sensor for Diabetes Mellitus ApplicationsAgarwal, Ravinder; Agarwal, Ajay; Sachdeva, Smiti
31-Oct-2013Ultrasonic Characterization of Different Wood SamplesAgarwal, Ravinder; Mittal, Deepti; Sharma, Rakesh
25-Aug-2010Wireless ECG Using BluetoothAgarwal, Ravinder; Sushil, Chandra; Ashish, Kumar
8-Aug-2018A Wireless Sensorized Insole for Gait QuantificationAgarwal, Ravinder; Aggarwal, Abhinandan